Forspoken Game: Pro Tips for a Legendary Adventure

Forspoken is an action-packed open world adventure that takes place in a medieval fantasy realm. The game follows Frey Holland as she explores the land of Athia and faces twisted Breakbeasts.

Combat and exploration in Forspoken involve a lot of parkour. Repositioning, evading attacks, and spamming magic attacks are important strategies. But it’s also possible to form bad habits that can make things difficult later on.

Get to Know Your Character

While Forspoken’s combat has flashes of Nier Automata and Devil May Cry, its open world traversal that prioritises parkour is the game’s true star. Free-running up bare cliff faces and forging creative paths across the desolate fantasy world of Athia is satisfying.

However, the rest of Forspoken’s experience isn’t quite so captivating. The story is your bog standard isekai and the moment-to-moment gameplay feels lacking.

Know Your Enemies

In Forspoken, players take control of Frey Holland, a woman from New York who gets transported to the mysterious fantasy world of Athia. She uses magic spells and a sentient bracelet to navigate the dangerous lands.

You’ll want to prioritize unlocking support spells early in the game, such as the health-stealing tendril and disperse mini-turret. This will help you deal with more challenging enemies and survive the longer fights.

Keep an Eye on Your Stamina

Forspoken features a fun and engaging magic combat system. However, effective combat and exploration requires careful attention to the game’s stamina meter. Taking hits, repositioning, evading attacks, and climbing up rocky spires can deplete Frey’s stamina rather quickly.

Players should also keep an eye on their health and crafting upgrades, such as Healing Draughts and Material Pouch upgrades. Using these upgrades will help players survive longer in Forspoken.

Keep an Eye on Your Resources

Forspoken has a wide variety of different materials and resources that can be used to upgrade gear and weapons. Players can find these items in chests, detour rewards, and Pilgrim’s Refuge houses.

While it might be tempting to mash the Circle button, frequent dodging and spamming magic attacks can chew through Frey’s stamina. Instead, players should focus on good timing and strategic hot-swapping of spells.

Keep an Eye on Your Mana

Forspoken’s combat system can feel overwhelming at first. Luckily, players can take some of the stress out of battle by tuning some settings from the start.

Players earn Mana as they play and can find it in the world via Mana Pools. Spending this currency on upgrading base combat spells is tempting but players should prioritize unlocking support spells in the skill tree.

Keep an Eye on Your Spells

Forspoken’s magic parkour system is a welcome addition to the open world, but it can drain Frey’s stamina quickly. To avoid taking damage and losing progress, keep an eye on her stamina meter and avoid parkour until it’s full.

When faced with tough combat encounters, it’s best to back off and let the enemies come to her. Using her agility and environment to get the drop on enemies will often yield better results than charging in wildly flinging spells.

Keep an Eye on Your Equipment

Forspoken is a fast-paced game where you’re always on the move. Staying in one place channeling big spells or circling around formidable enemies is a sure-fire way to drain your stamina meter.

Instead, focus on unlocking your support spells on the left side of the skill tree early. From the health-stealing tendril to the disperse mini-turret, these spells can make your combat encounters that much more manageable.

Keep an Eye on Your Mana Pool

As you battle and parkour through the hostile realm of Athia, you’ll earn mana. This is essentially the game’s version of skill points, and it’s best to spend it on unlocking support spells early.

Dodging projectiles and spamming magic attacks are your bread-and-butter combat tactics in Forspoken, but they’ll also wear down Frey’s stamina meter quickly. To prevent this, keep an eye on her stance indicator and use the pause menu’s settings to slow down spell-switching times.

Keep an Eye on Your Spells

Players can use a variety of settings to customize gameplay in Forspoken. However, there are a few that should always be turned on to ensure the smoothest experience.

Moving aggressively and spamming magic attacks are both good combat strategies in Forspoken, but if you’re too busy mashing Circle, you’ll miss out on opportunities for counters, Killer Blows, and more. Keeping an eye on your spells is essential.

Keep an Eye on Your Equipment

Forspoken is a beautiful and complex RPG. But, if you don’t have a PC capable of running it at high settings, your gameplay will be hampered.

Avoid spamming Circle and relying on your spells’ weaknesses, instead using good timing to hot-swap between different attacks. This will let you conserve your stamina while still dealing massive damage. Also, keep an eye on your equipment.

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